Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Mental Health and Well-Being


Meditation is the practice of thinking deeply or focusing one’s mind for a period of time. While there are many forms of meditation, the ultimate goal is a feeling of relaxation and inner peace, which can improve mental health.

In today’s world, stress seems to be normal part of everyday life. But a number of adverse health effects have been associated with stress, including an increased risk of headaches, muscle pain or tension, fatigue, changes in sex drive, gastrointestinal symptoms, anxiety and sleep difficulty. Uncontrollable can also increase the risk of chronic health problems, like heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes.


Adrianne has published a video, to help people with anxiety; it’s a 14 minutes video, maybe it’s a bit long but worth watching. You guys don’t me and check it out yourself:

Taking a few seconds to meditate with the goal of becoming more mindful or focused on and accepting of the present is a great way to relieve stress. Mindful meditation has been proven to help ease mental health conditions like depression and anxiety.

There is a particular type of meditation referred to as “Surdashan Kriya” which is a yogic breathing exercise marked by its meditative and rhythmic breathing patterns. This method has been proved for its ability to alleviate stress related disorders including PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) and depression and also curbs body’s stress response.

But meditating helps only if it’s done regularly or several times a week and not just one day a week. Meditation can help change the mental muscles of our brain only if it is done in repetition and consistency.

There are different types of meditation techniques, which can be practiced for relieving mental stress and the most commonly practiced one for the past many years is prayer. Even praying for some time for a day at one corner of your room in silence has been of a great help.

Meditation has other benefits as the famous saying goes, “a few hours of meditation can save years of your life from medication”.


  1. The video was good and blog was great too but if you could include more meditation techniques then it would have been better

  2. The way you explained cleared all the concepts. Thanks for providing the important information in the easiest form, Keep sharing, definitely will be helpful for those looking for reiki healing in Noida and related Holistic & Alternative Healing Therapies & Trainings
